Community Resources

Free In-Home Nursing Care
Registered nurses visit home-bound and low-income seniors who require on-going support not covered by Medicare. Home Health Nursing Visits Program is provided by Mt. Carmel Guild

Caring for the Caregivers
Join informational session for the family and community caregivers organized by Parker Life. Saturday, November 9th, Parker Adult Day Care @Monroe

Community Transportation Options for Seniors
Listing of community-led programs in Mercer County that provide accessible transportation services that help people stay independent, participate in their communities, and access vital public services.

Mercer County Free Food Finder
Mercer County Free Food Finder is an online searchable directory that lists meal sites, food pantries, and meal distribution sites serving children, families, seniors, and adults.
Community Resources for Seniors & People With Disabilities
Listed below are links to resources and information on important federal, state and community long-term services and support for seniors, individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.
Aging & Disability Resources
Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) - information for seniors, adults with physical disabilities age 18 or older and family caregivers. Mercer County: call 609-989-6661, for other counties call toll-free 1-877-222-3737.
National Council on Aging (NCOA) - resources for older adults
Services and Resources For People With Disabilities
Division of Aging Services (DoAS) Program Guide - guide to Federal and State-funded programs that promote the well-being of seniors and adults with disabilities living in the community.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
NJ 2-1-1 - provides connections to services that often mean the difference between hope and despair. To connect: Dial 2-1-1; text your zip code to 898-211; or chat with us online.
Food & Nutrition
Mercer County Nutrition Program for Older Adults
Meals on Wheels of Mercer County
Mercer County Free Food Finder - Find Meal Sites and Food Pantries next to you
Health & Wellness
The Mercer County REASSURANCE Program
For more information, call 609-883-2880 or visit
Greater Mercer Public Health Partnership
Quarterly Newsletter - provides residents with up-to-date information on available programs in the community.
Catholic Charities of Trenton Mental Health Services
Home Health Nursing - Medical care coordination for Mercer County seniors who require on-going care not covered by their Medicare benefits.
Oaks Integrated Care Senior Well-being Program - 609-694-2595
Mercer Home Health Care - 609-227-2727
Mercer County Board of Social Services, Call 609-989-4346
Legal & Financing
Central Jersey Legal Services - Provides legal assistance for housing Problems, Access to Health Care, Senior Citizens. For more information, call 609-695-6249.
Free Tax Preparation Services for Seniors
Community Health Law Project - serves low income individuals living with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and the frail elderly who meet eligibility guidelines.
Care & Support
Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC), a State-funded program that provides in-home and community-based services to individuals age 60 or older who meet clinical eligibility for nursing home level of care and who desire to remain in their homes within the community. For more information, call 609- 989-6661.
The Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP) assists those living with disabilities in Mercer County. Services are consumer-directed and supervised and are considered to be social services, rather than medical.
Program brochure in English or in Spanish
The Statewide Respite Care Program (SRCP), provides respite care services to relieve caregivers of stress from providing daily care. For more information, call 609-969-6661.
Dial '988' for help in mental health crisis
National Alliance on Mental Illness - NAMI 1-800-950-6264 Or text NAMI to 741741
Community Transportation options in Mercer County - Affordable and accessible transportation services that help people stay independent, participate in their communities, and access vital public services.
Greater Mercer TMA - Senior Programs - provides services and transportation referrals for
seniors and visually impaired adults.
Housing & Utility
Utility Assistance Programs offered by NJ Division of Housing and Community Resources. Low-Income eligible households that are having a difficulty paying their heating and cooling bills can contact this office for financial assistance and help in weatherizing their homes.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
State Rental Assistance Program
SRAP is a state funded program that provides housing subsidies on behalf of very low-income New Jersey residents, for decent, safe and sanitary housing.