Our office will be close on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day

Volunteer Services for Seniors & Adults with Disabilities

Empowering Well-being and Independence

News & Events

50/50 Cash Raffle

50/50 Raffle

Your ticket purchase directly benefits local neighbors in need. We’ll reveal the lucky winner on Facebook Live March 17 at 7:15 PM.


WTPC Winter Survival Kits wrapping

Winter Survival Kits

On Sunday, January 19, our friends at West Trenton Presbyterian Church came together to sort and beautifully pack 30 sets of personal care products, scarves, and gloves. These generous donations from the Robbinsville-Hamilton Rotary Club will be shared with our most vulnerable homebound individuals.

Dec Drawing winner Kathleen Smith

Congratulations Kathleen!

Congratulations to Kathleen Smith, the final winner of our monthly volunteer drawing! We deeply appreciate all of our volunteers and thoroughly enjoyed having this raffle to celebrate them alongside our 30th anniversary last year!

Caregiving Services and Wellness Programs

Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County mobilizes hundreds of dedicated volunteers who provide free caregiving and wellness services for the elderly and disabled residents of the greater Mercer County area.

older woman walking with walker

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Our caring volunteers provide free non-medical support for homebound seniors and adults with disabilities so that they may age with dignity in their own homes, for as long as possible.

helping senior to put on exercise weight

Project Healthy Bones

Exercise and health education program for older adults, with or at risk of osteoporosis. Program’s goal is to improve strength, balance, and flexibility for safe and successful aging.

Volunteer to help seniors

Interfaith Caregivers volunteers provide small but essential services like grocery shopping, giving a ride to a doctor’s appointment or  a friendly in-person or virtual visit. Support with these daily life activities enables our elderly neighbors to remain in their homes and live with dignity and independence.

There are numerous volunteer opportunities available in our network. We believe that you can find one that you would enjoy.

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ICGMC 2024 Impact

With the help of committed volunteers and a network of partner organizations and agencies, Interfaith Caregivers provided wellness programs and caregiver services to more than 400 local seniors.

Support Our Mission

Help us to improve lives of our neighbors in need

All Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County programs and services are provided free-of-charge to our low income and underserved seniors and adults with disabilities.

We rely on charitable support from the community. Your donations enable us to recruit, screen, train and support our volunteers who provide our caregiving and wellness services.

See What Our Volunteers And Care Receivers Say

Volunteer Tom headshot

"We get along and just enjoy one another’s company,” says Tom. “It feels like we have created a sense of community that is so hard to find these days, where neighbors look after neighbors and everyone is happier for it.


- Volunteer caregiver

Doris care receiver headshot

"I really depend on her and she is so thoughtful and so helpful. She does everything I could ever asked for and she is my sweetheart."


- Care receiver

Judy volunteer headshot

"I’m surprised I have actually helped over 50 people and I can remember all of them. They are in my heart forever. They have given me much more that I’ve given them. To be a volunteer is just one of the greatest thing in the world."


- Volunteer caregiver